Areas of Care

Behavioral Health Services

Offering personalized and effective behavioral health services for assessment and to provide psychosocial service supports.

Community Housing & Care

Empowering communities through compassionate housing and comprehensive care services.

Assessment & Support Services

Providing expert assessment and comprehensive support services to guide individuals towards their fullest potential and well-being.

Understanding young minds, guiding brighter futures.

Psychological Assessment (Youth & Adult)

This assessment is performed only by a Tennessee Licensed Psychologist, Psychological examiner, or a Certified Psychological Assistant under the supervision of a qualifying supervisor. 

Evaluation consists of a review of available information regarding the adult, or child’s developmental, medical and behavioral health, substance use, educational, familial, and social history. The evaluation will include both a clinical interview, which will require 180-240 minutes of the client’s time in a face to face or telehealth appointment, as well as completion of standardized testing to include:

  • Cognitive/Intellectual testing – RAIT, TOGRA, KBIT, WASI, WAIS or WISC
  • Personality Assessment- PAI, MMPI-3, MACI, SPECTRA, NEO FFI
  • Executive and Adaptive Functioning- BRIEF, PDDBI, SEARS, EDDT, Vineland
  • Anger/Impulse Control- STAXI
  • Risk for Abuse- CAPI
  • Trauma Experiences- ACES, PEARLS, TSCC

The summary will address the referral question(s) drawing support from the assessment findings, a review of family systems and collateral interviews.  Recommendations will include identified treatment needs, educational, and socialization needs, caretaker guidelines, and other factors as applicable. 

Parenting Capacity Assessment

The Parenting Capacity Assessment is performed by a licensed mental health professional (Master’s or above) or an unlicensed master’s level clinician under the supervision of a licensed mental health professional. The purpose of the Assessment is to identify the  “minimal parenting standard,” does the assessed parent meet the basic safety and emotional needs of the child(ren).

The assessment will require 90-120 minutes of the client’s time, and will include:

  • Clinical interview of the parent
  • Review of available information of the child and parent; Court records, DCS records, Past medical and behavioral assessments/evaluations and treatment records, 
  • Observation of parent and child in a natural setting (unless “no contact” court order)
  • Administration of relevant assessment instruments and parenting inventories
    • Child Abuse Potential Inventory
    • Parenting Stress Index
  • An Interview of collateral sources (can be by phone), for example:
    • Case worker (DCS, continuum, mental health)
    • Therapist (child’s, parent’s, and/or family therapist)
    • Resource parent
    • Administration of child assessment measures if indicated

Empowering parents, nurturing families.

Mental Health Assessment

The purpose of mental health assessment is to gather information to determine if a mental illness exists and to develop a service plan to address the individual’s needs. The evaluation will be provided by a licensed or mental health professional under the supervision of a licensed staff.  The assessment will consist of a 60-90 minute clinical interview, conducted face to face or via tele video, and will include:

  • Description of the presenting problem(s) as described by the individual
  • Review of medical or behavioral health history
  • Current physical health status, including any medications the individual is taking
  • A self-report of substance use and abuse and treatment status
  • A Risk of harm assessment
  • Mental Status Exam
  • Psychosocial evaluation of family of origin, educational and vocational history. 
  • Diagnostic determinations meeting criteria of the most recent addition of the DSM.
  • Recommended course of support services and treatment.

Anger Management/Conflict Resolution

Evidence-based education or clinical treatment which will focus on a client’s assessment of need, to include at a minimum:

  • Identification of Triggers and Physical and emotional signs
  • Identification of anger triggering stressors or situations
  • Physical and emotional signs of anger
  • Acquisition of anger management skills and strategies
  • Logical assessment of situations
  • Appropriate expression of feelings and needs
  • Self-calming techniques
  • Problem solving skills
  • Communication skills

The service may be delivered in either a group or individual setting and may be offered face to face or by tele video.  The client should expect each session to last approximately 60-90 minutes, with completion of 10-12 sessions to obtain expected competency. 

Alcohol and Drug Assessment

This assessment will be provided by one of the following:

  • a Licensed Mental Health Professional (Master’s or above) or
  • a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (LADAC either Level I or II) or
  • an individual supervised by a licensed mental health professional or a LADAC II. The assessment will be signed by the supervising professional, who is responsible for the interpretation of the test results. Examiners will practice within the scope of their license.

The assessment process will involve both online standardized testing and a clinical interview, which will require 90 to 120 minutes of the client’s time.  The report will include recommendations for treatment and address whether the treatment can be received on an outpatient or residential basis.

Parenting Education/Training

Parenting education is designed to promote well-being and strengthen families and communities to prevent child abuse and neglect. The interventions provided in ten to twelve one hour sessions, will help parents acquire skills to improve their parenting of and communication with their children, with the purpose of reducing the risk of child maltreatment and/or reducing child disruptive behaviors. Parent education may be delivered individually or in a group in the home, classroom, either face to face or via tele video. Successful completion of the program will help parents acquire and internalize parenting and problem-solving skills necessary to build a healthy family.

Alcohol and Drug Treatment

This evidence-based treatment for alcohol and drug abuse and dependence is provided by an independently licensed mental health professional, a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, or by a non-licensed staff member who is supervised by an independently licensed mental health professional in the home or office setting, either face to face or via tele video. Services provide intervention, support, and referral for children and family members who are impacted by alcohol and drug issues.

Psychotherapy or Counseling

This is an evidence-based treatment of behavior disorders, mental illness, or any other emotional/mental health conditions for individual youth or adults. This service is provided by a licensed or mental health professional or a master’s level unlicensed clinician under the supervision of a licensed mental health professional.  The sessions, which can last 45-60 minutes, can be provided in the home or office setting either face to face or by tele video.


1670 W Main St. Ste. 150

Lebanon, TN 37087

Contact Us

DCS Assessments Scheduling:


Main Office: 615-781-0555

Fax: 615-278-1817

Our Hours

MON-FRI 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


community housing services